Saturday, May 15, 2010
CYMS Fife and Drum Corp in Williamsburg, VA
The Central York Middle School Fife and Drum Corp participated in the 2010 Drummer's Call in Williamsburg, VA on Saturday, May 15th. There were 14 Fife and Drum Corps from the US and Canada. They started off the day with a parade through the streets of Colonial Williamsburg. After each of the Corps finished the parade they would stand on either side of the street to tip their hats as the next Corp came through. After the parade each Corp presented their field show. We came away with a new appreciation for fifes and drums. The Corps really put in a lot of time to preserve the history of fife and drums. They ended the day with a torch lit parade through the streets. After the parade all of the Corps met in the middle of the street for a jam session. They all played together. It was phenomenal! We really enjoyed watching Nickolas participate in this historical event.