We had a wonderful Christmas, even though Meilynn was not feeling well. She was a trooper. I know she would have been so much more excited if she felt better. Nickolas couldn't wait to get downstairs to open his presents. We mad him wait till 7:00 am. I took Meilynn all day to open her gifts. She would open a couple and then wait awhile. I guess this is still a little overwhelming to her. Nicolas' favorite gift was his PS3 and Meilynn's favorite gift was her castle. What a blessing to be together and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. I am just so grateful that Meilynn has the opportunity to love the Lord.

The kido's and their stockings.

Meilynn opening the gifts in her stocking.

This stocking is extra special to Nickolas because Grandma Juice sewed this for him.

I guess that gift was a hit, Wii Sport Resort.

Have to have American Eagle gifts!

Yes, Santa even brought Nickolas a Lego.

He really had no idea he was getting a PS3.

Yes, even baba is having fun opening gifts.

Yes, it's a bad hair day, but, I love the gift Meilynn made for me.
Her smile says it all!
Yeye, you made a hit with the Tinkerbell leap frog game.

Meilynn with her Uncie John, yes that's what she calls him.

Nickolas and his grandma, she is wearing the sweatshirt with his footprints on from when he was five. The footprints where made into snowmen. She will never part with that sweatshirt.

Meilynn gave her Aunt Bevie a jade bracelet.

More American Eagle!

Mom and her special box from the jeweler.

We are having so much fun opening gifts together.

Santa, I love the princess paper you wrapped my gifts in.

A couple of her gifts.

Meilynn and her God mother, Nena. Yes that is what she calls Linda.

That gift was a big as she was.

A PS3 game, yes.

Just what I wanted, cool!

Nena, I love my castle, what a great find!

Yes, I love my Raven's gear and cup!

This is so big, I can even sit in the center of the courtyard.

Maya having fun watching Meilynn open her gifts.

We gave Maya a gift from her favorite clothing store, Justice.

Cole, loving his Wii game!