The FWCC held it's annual Kite Festival today. It was a great day to fly kites. As you can see from the pictures Nickolas didn't have much luck flying his kite. Meilynn's small kite was great to fly. We enjoyed time with new and old friends.
Meilynn's kite, of course she would pick a

When is it time to fly my kite?

Nickolas, make sure the kite string is up.
Coming in for a crash landing.

Wow, look how far up my kite is.
Meilynn only left go of her kite once, so we had to chase after it.

I want to hold the kite

Don't let go.

You can tell by that smile that
Meilynn had a great time.
Baba's turn to hold the kite, it was too windy for

I'm getting cold.

Nickolas and Joshia, where are your kites?

What a great view from the top of the hill.

Time for the playground.
Meilynn's friend, Faith enjoying the sand box.

Always time for swinging.
Meilynn's first time on a

That was fun mama.